My New Vapo Love

I used to be a professional smoker. I used to be sent for reviewing taste and draw for tobacco product development.

After years of involvement in the industry to the point of even being known and associated with a particular brand, I honestly never believed for a single second that I would ever give up cigarettes.

Then I received my Twisp as a gift. I was skeptical.  After all Vaping was new to me ,Being something of an expert in the field of the harm of tobacco smoke, I was very wary of the lack of scientific research to validate the water vapour claims. But that aside, the proof is in my pudding 🙂 I no longer have a nagging and irritable cough, which I previously didn’t even attribute to smoking! My stamina is much improved without any increase in my exercise levels.  I don’t have that constant niggling about how many smokes I have left, where the nearest shop is, if I have money in my wallet. No smoke in eye awkwardness. No spraying on perfume in the morning, wondering how much money I’m wasting on it considering all that people will ever actually smell on me is smoke. I can go to movies without getting fidgety before the feature film even starts. I can socialise without having to break conversation and miss the gossip by having to go outside for a quick fix. I am no longer looked down upon, frowned upon etc. And sure, airlines don’t allow it. But what they can’t see or smell, they can’t moderate. I was on a one-way smoking road. Vape Away Dear Readers…..


PS: if you are from South Africa or even internationally Look at this Vaporiser I found, its AMAZING


-Vapo Kitty





Twisp is South Africa’s first and favourite personal vapouriser.   


  • Produced in a Medicine Control Council approved lab
  • Good Manufacturing Practice approved
  • International Organization for Standards approved
  • Produced with Top Grade Pharmaceutical Nicotine
  • Produced with Natural Flavour Ingredients wherever possible
  • Produced according to strict Batch Coding practices, ensuring traceability and consistent quality
  • Contained in Childproof bottles



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