Vake-a-tion, part 2

OK, Same evening.  Continuing the last post in a different vein, so, the 2 posts are separate. As I explained in the last post, I’m medicating with my new device and now I’m going to share with you another mode …..

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Arizer Air

Arizer Air

Hey All. Yeah ‘vake’ is a way to say ‘vape’, but, it signifies cannabis vaping. So, guess what ? That’s right, a new vaporizer device ! This one is for dry cannabis herbs, and oh boy it does the trick …..

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New Toyz

Hey gang ! Well, got some of my xmas gifts recently…. gonna share ’em with ya. So, to let you know, this is another post in the ‘vapor tales’ category, all about my vaping enthusiasm. OK, if you’ve followed some …..

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Divine Tribe Coils

Hey all you out there. Well, now that I have my sub-ohm mod (see ‘more mods’ in this blog), I ordered some coils that I never could use with my previous mods, and, as I suspected, yup, these coils turned …..

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Premium coils by Coil Clout !


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Native Wicks cotton

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