UD Bellus RTA Review

Iudlogo110 became really disappointed toward the end of 2014 with the lack of airflow on the available rebuildable tanks of the time, including the eLeaf Lemo so many touted as being equal to a dripper. It felt like vaping through a coffee straw, and I hated it. I gave up and went back to dripping, regardless of the mess and inconvenience.

bellusdeck_thFast forward 9 months, and I started to see the stars align.  Suddenly new rebuildable tanks started hitting the market.  I was excited, but cautious.    I looked at all of them as they came, the Goblin mini, the Goliath v2, the Cthulhu v2, and so many more.  Eventually I see the UD Bellus. It looked great. The price was right, so I ordered it.  My first impression was that it was really amazing.  Some details:

The Facts:

  • – 22mm diameter
  • – ~45mm height (~58mm w/ drip tip, 61mm including 510 connector)
  • – ~5ml capacity
  • – Two post, two hole build deck design
  • – Post screws are standard M2.5
  • – Stainless steel, boroscilate glass, silicone and nitrile o-rings, brass 510 pin
  • – Spares: Screws, full set of rubber, spare tank, and single coil adapter
  • – Starter coils and sheet cotton included


  • – Priced at $25, nearly unbeatable
  • – Excellent airflow volume with very easy adjustment
  • – Direct airflow to the coils through two large 2mmx5mm slots
  • – Dual coil build deck is removable without draining tank
  • – Top fill with anything, even glass droppers or bottom fill with a needle if desired
  • – Included single coil adapter for more flavor


  • – No juice flow control can lead to a mess when top filling
  • – Proprietary o-rings in several places
  • – No hex/grub screws or spare insulator included
  • – Airflow is a bit noisy if that bothers you


  • – On my Bellus, the 510 connector is safe for hybrid connection
  • – Tested on Sigelei 75tc, CoV Kindred II, and an A-Mod SMPL clone
  • – Machining quality 8/10.  Threads could be smoother, but very nice overall
  • – Sits flush on all my mods
  • – Accepts all my standard drip tips without issue
  • – Included drip tip is 510 compatible, wide straight bore

bellusrta_thMy general review of this device after 2 weeks is the same as my first impression.  It is an excellent RTA with great features, and it comes at an unbeatable price.  The flavor is not bad for a tank, and it does not leak if properly set up during normal operation.  Temp control works fine with this device, but expect to find yourself limited to 28 gauge max due to available build space.  I feel like 2.5mm ID coils are the best fit with plenty of space to avoid shorts. 3mm coils will fit with 26 gauge or smaller wire, but it is very tight and you must build very close to the posts.  The posts only have one hole for your leads, so this is not as easy to build as a Velocity style deck. Wicking is the most important part of builds on this device.  Remember that less is more, and do not fill the juice channels with cotton.  I have been using rolled cotton wicks, cut on a diagonal to leave very small tails poking down the juice channels, and it has been flawless.  Even juice that is 85-90% VG seems to work just fine if you have it wicked correctly.

During top filling, I recommend the following, which are pretty much the same steps if you were top filling your old kayfun:

  1. Close airflow adjustment, remove cap and fill, leave a bubble.
  2. Close cap until you feel it contact the seal, then back off half a turn.
  3. Flip the tank upside down and open the airflow as the bubble rises to the top.
  4. Close the cap the rest of the way.

While this is not completely necessary, it does seem to prevent any leaking at all.  You can fill without doing this, but it may leak a tiny bit out the air holes.

Presently it is only available in stainless, but UD’s website says that a black version is in the works.  The tank glass is the same as the Goblin mini and Goliath v2 in case you should find yourself in need of an extra.

I got my UD Bellus from Angelcigs for $25 + shipping, and it arrived in less than 5 working days.



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