Vamo V6 and E-LVT 2.0

Hey, everyone.
So, I’ve got 2 new mods since I last made an entry…
The Vamo V6, and the Dovpo E-LVT 2.0 .

First, let’s take a look at the Vamo V6 Variable Votlage/Wattage mod.


So, as you can see, it’s like a slimmer version of the 26650 Vamo Mod I wrote about in the previous post… this one takes an 18650 Li-ion battery rather than a 26650 (smaller). However, with my 3400 mAh Panasonic batteries from Orbtronic, I get all day vaping with only changing the battery once. It’s become my go-to daily vape …. I got it to have something to vape with while I waited for my Dovpo E-LVT 2..0 , which I’ll talk about in a bit.
This version is a variable voltage/wattage, which some say isn’t authentic as most Vamo V6 mods only have adjustable wattage.
I got this in a retail store, and I’ve seen it online. It seems real to me. Hard to tell these days with all the knock-offs and clones coming from China.
Nonetheless, this mod is really treating me nicely. 3-20 watts, 3-6 volts …. it’s lightweight, and has great options, including a current gauge that shows the amperage going to the coil. Very cool.
This also has the classic Vamo Mobile In/Out option, to power accessories like flashligts or USB charger to charge phones or whatever.
I doubt I’ll be doing much of that. However, it’s a very cool feature that can also be used with my 510 flashlight attachment I blogged about in the last post.
So, I really like the Vamo V6. The Vamo 26650 Mod that I wrote about last entry has died, R.I.P. I really liked it.
What happened was, and this also damaged my 4500 eGo stout battery, is that my Aspire Nautilus 5.0ml atomizer tank has a spring-loaded pin, and the spring failed, causing the pin to be solid, and, it pushed the pin on the mods down into themselves causing a short.
Really sucks. I temporarily repaired it, but …….died completely from pin failure. The 4500’s repair still holds, but I ordered another one, just as backup.

So here’s the Dovpo E-LVT 2.0 :


Yes, got it in camo. Hope I don’t lose it in the bushes ! Lol.
This thing is really solid, heavy-duty. Oh and heavy it is. 233 grams, without the battery. That’s cuz it’s solid rubberized metal, and it’s thick.
Built especially to be shock-proof, drop-proof, dust-proof, and even waterproof. Not the kind of waterproof you can submerge the thing in. Come on. No, it’s water-resistant, but VERY water resistant, like, I can vape in the rain or shower if i like. The former (rain) is more common/necessary as where I live gets about 40+ inches a year of rain, all within 6 months.
So. This mod is also variable wattage. Not voltage also, like the 1.0, but wattage only. However it goes in 0.1 increments, which is pretty cool… goes from 7-15 watts. Unfortunately for me, 7 watts is just a hair too hot, which kinda sucks, but I”m working on it. Should get this going on 7 watts soon enough. Right now I kinda wish I could go 6.5 watts, which, I know, the 1.0 version is 3-15 watts adjustable, and 3-6 volts …… but the 1.0 is not sub-ohm, whereas this is. I’d like to try some sub-ohm coils for concentrates, and maybe even the Aspire Atlantis sub-ohm atomizer, however, I’m really mad at Aspire for their tank ruining my mods, so I dunno.
Mainly it’s for the ruggedness, as I’m always dropping things, and the sub-ohm capability so I can use some 0.9 dual coils, and a 0.9 ceramic coil which should not need much cleaning…. looks good at iNeedHemp‘s website.

So, new mods, very stoked. Also got some enelop Sanyo batteries today, happy about that. For those that don’t know, enelop batteries are rechargable normal batteries like AA, AAA… but unlike most re-chargeable batteries, these do not lose their power from sitting around for a bit, like the normal Ni-Mh batteries do. Always hated that about the Ni-Mh batteries. Now I have found the solution. Got 4 AA’s in the mail today, stoked.
Also got 4 18650 Panasonic 3400 mAh batteries for my two mods…. both from Orbtronic. they work great.
They say I need hi-drain for going sub-ohm, and recommend of course sony vtc4 or vtc5, the hardest batteries on the planet to get. You may say untrue, I see some online….. but %99 are fake. So it’s a real search to find real sony vtc5s and they’re only like 2400 mAh…. mm.

So, that’s it for now. I’m going to make a vapor section of the site for my vape enthusiastic posts, so folks can tune in especially for that if they like.

So with this I bid you farewell until next time….. adieu.



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