New Toyz
Hey gang !
Well, got some of my xmas gifts recently…. gonna share ’em with ya.
So, to let you know, this is another post in the ‘vapor tales’ category, all about my vaping enthusiasm.
OK, if you’ve followed some of the latest posts you’ll know I have a few mods and tanks lying around… mostly 510 devices and a dry cannabis vaporizer as well. The 510 devices are for medical THC concentrates to be vaporized and inhaled, to provide pain and stress relief for myself and my disability (chronic pain).
Well, got some bonus resources on xmas, so I ordered a few small things to add to the ol’ vape collection !
However, this is not another mod or tank. Got some glassware for my 510 devices and the Solo (dry herb vaporizer).
First up is my little shisha waterpipe, fitted for 510 devices ! 🙂 A real neat little unit, cheap too. Here’s a pic.
Great action, thick thick vapor cloud filtered by a good amount of water. Perfect fit for 510 mods !
That’s the shisha connected to my latest mod. Much fun.
Now comes my next glassware which i really enjoy. Produces nice cool large vapor hits, unmatched by even the shisha !!
Has a bit of a drag on it, so, a bit hard of a pull on a used coil… but not a problem ! Here’s a pic:
Thar she is, and, here’s two pics of it being used, first with the E-LVT Dovpo 2.0 , and then with the Arizer Solo dry herb vaporizer:
It’s a neater fit than it looks like, pic makes the glassware seem a bit bigger than real life, compared with the E-LVT mod.
Here’s a closeup of how I put an extra #7 O-ring taken from a spare 510 coil head in between the two washers on the device, for a perfect glassware fit :
Here’s the Pinnacle WonG/GonG used on my Solo:
OK, and here’s a close up of where I place the O-ring on the Solo to fit my glassware:
Pretty cool, huh ?
I think so. Even cooler is the vapor that comes out of it !
I tell ya, it’s just getting better and better.
In other vaping news, concerning e-cigs, my analog cigarette intake is down to 3-4 per day !!!!
That’s down from 30 cigs a day for 30 years, folks.
So I’d say this vaping deal is saving my life. Vaping oil for pain and cigarette cessation. Sounds good to me.
If you want more info on vaping and it’s safety, click on the ‘Links’ option in the main menu.
All the best, folks !