iTaste VTR

YES Folks,

I got a new mod today ….
I’ve been using the E-LVT 2.0 by Dovpo, as you’ve seen if you’ve followed my posts.
Well I’ve been wanting a 2nd mod, for backup and for ecig-only. Constantly changing mods and their wattage settings has become a real pain in the neck, so I’ve been thinking to commit one mod to ecig juice atomizing, and one to concentrates.
So I was thinking of getting perhaps an E-LVT 1.0 , it can go below 7 watts which I kinda like in the mornings, but did not have adustable pin nor would it go sub-ohm. However I love the design of the 2.0 and the 1.0 is very similar.
I thought about it. About $60 for a 1.0, and, would it be ok ?
Ended up in our smoke/glass/vape shop here. Was just stopping in for something small and to say hi as I often do.
So I’m talking with the owner about stuff and I mention how the Vamo V6 I got there (I’ve posted about it here) cuts the protective skin off of my batteries because of a defect inside the battery tube. A rise in the edge where 2 pieces meet creates a gouging action into the battery. I also questioned the authenticity of it, as my study online had revealed it was not genuine.

Well, the owner profusely apologized, said his supplier had done him wrong, and told me to pick out a mod of equal value to take home. Now that’s customer service !
Tried a few mods before settling on the iTaste VTR. This mod was MADE for my favorite tank, the iClear 30S, which Ive written about here. Same company, it even comes with the exact tank I use.
OK, this thing, like the e-lvt, is also a tank. Weighs 14 grams without battery !! So that’s about a pound folks. Zinc alloy with shiny chrom finish. Alright, here’s a few pics of it :



Yeah this thing is sweet. It’s also got an extension for tanks/coil systems that wont fit inside the solid chrome bracket you see on the upper part of the tank. Here’s how it comes from the box, showing the extension piece:


That piece goes where the tank is and allows for larger globes/tanks/things to be used….. 🙂
Here’s a diagram showing it connected:


Since my Vamo V6 was defective and sold for $65 on the shelf, I got this Innokin iTaste VTR with a sticker of $100 for $20 dollars !
Shout out to Mike, Thanks Mike.

All the best, and keep vaping !


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