National Call to Action! Stop the FDA from banning nearly ALL vapor products from the market!


National Call to Action! Stop the FDA from banning nearly ALL vapor products from the market!

A provision (Sec. 747) in this year’s budget bill could save the U.S. vapor industry from being destroyed by the overbearing and burdensome FDA premarket application process.


CASAA is asking members to voice support for a provision in this year’s budget bill that would change the grandfather date for products that are about to be subject to the FDA’s tobacco regulations. This provision would essentially include the Cole bill language — HR 2058 — and require the FDA to move the grandfather date to the effective date of the final regulation.


Without a change in the February 2007 grandfather date, more than 99% of vapor products currently on the market will be gone within two years. This is not hyperbole. The cost of obtaining premarket approvals with the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products is intentionally prohibitive, and all indications are that there will be no significant exemptions made for vapor products.


If Congress does not act to change the grandfather date established by the Tobacco Control Act, the wide variety of vapor products that adult smokers have come to rely on to live smoke-free will be swept off the market.


Make no mistake about it–our usual opponents are hard at work in Washington, D.C. lobbying to have this provision removed.


Even if you’ve taken action before, your voice is needed now.


Please take action NOW by contacting your

Representative and Senators!


We highly recommend sending an email AND making a call


and you’ll be directed to CASAA’s form to easily email your Representatives and Senators.



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