VapeCraft E-liquid review

Hey vapers.

So I got a chance to try VapeCraft’s ‘Vapors Anonymous” line, 3 flavors in particular.

Thanks to the good folks at VapeCraft for sending me some samples to try.

So, I’ll start off with with describing them one by one. Then a summary of their liquids…

To begin with, I’ll review “The Sponsor”.



This is a clear liquid with lots of bursting flavor.

Flavor: Green Apple, Juicy Center of a Peach, and more fruit

The Sponsor is probably my favorite of all the samples I got, but, I’m into fruity flavors.

It’s got so many notes of brilliant clear fresh fruits ! Hard to describe them, they all work so wonderfully with each other.

Definitely a thumbs up !

This was an all-day vape for me, and I ordered more. Gotta have some more of that refreshing clear taste !

Next, the Milk Of The Gods.



This is an amber colored juice with lots of desert notes.

This juice tastes like the famous Mexican drink, horchata with a hint of caramel and their secret nectar sauce.

This is a desert flavor, which I’m fairly into. I like fruits the best, but this was a nice vape.

A bit ‘heavy’ of a vape, like thick. Lots of flavors and the caramel is done very well. Horchata is a rice drink famous in Mexico.

It’s got sweet notes of caramel, horchata, and some other stuff they threw in there.

Quite a nice vape, but not an all-day vape for me, more like a special treat. It’s full of satisfying thick vapor.

Finally, Hypno.



Hypno is also an amber-colored e-liquid.

Flavor: Cinnomon Danish Swirl, Caramel, and Double Chocolate

They did a real good job with not overpowering me with cinnamon. Normally I don’t vape cinnamon but this was easy on me.

It tasted more often like a cookie than a danish, but enjoyable nontheless. Also a desert flavor.

This was again not an all-day vape for me but a special treat. I did end up vaping all of it at one go, so it’s definitely a possible all-day vape for some.

Surprising notes. Didn’t get much chocolate flavor but it’s in there. Just like a bakery treat with some extra desert-ness. Heh.




Vape Craft has excellent prices and damn good juice. Their shipping times are quick too.

Check out their site here.

Hope you all enjoy their fine juice. Until next time, take care vapers.



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