Wrigleys Demands E-Juice Company Not Use Its Flavors

By Tyler McCanus

Wednesday July 19, 2017

We have all seen e-liquids and e-liquid flavors designed to resemble iconic flavors. Be it cereal flavors, drink flavors and gum flavors. Well one of the iconic brands has decided to push back against an e-juice flavors named after its famous flavors. Wrigley’s is suing a Chicago e-liquid manufacturer, Chi-Town Vapers, for trademark infringement. Chi-Town has been producing a vape juice called “Joosy Fruit” and another called “Dbl Mint”.

Wrigley’s claims that those e-juice names are trademark infringements of their famous flavors, Juicy Fruit and Double Mint. Wrigley’s owns extensive common law and trademark rights for those flavors, logos and names. The company was founded in 1891 after all! Wrigley’s claims that Chi-Town acted with full knowledge and willful disregard for trademarks and is using the Wrigley’s brand to gain a commercial advantage.

This isn’t the first such lawsuit against an e-liquid maker. Previously, General Mills cereals and the Girl Scouts have fought against vape juice companies that use any of their flavors. So, how will the Wrigley’s case turn out? In the images below you can see the original Wrigley’s name and logo side by side with the logos used to sell e-liuqid.

Compare Wrigley’s Logos To Chi-Town Vapers


Photos courtesy Ecig News report at Consumerist

You can evaluate for yourself whether or not you think there is deliberate infringement. It is tempting to use someone else’s brand recognition to boost your own business. Ultimately the court will make a determination.

There will likely be more similar lawsuits to follow as well. It is very tempting to capitalize on the recognition of existing popular flavors. But these big established companies are going to notice and make their lawyers earn their money! It’s a risk for any e-juice brand go down that road.

There are a large number of vape juice companies doing this with a variety of flavors.

(Original article found here.-ed)



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