Wired & Wireless Ruby Twist Ball Vape
Wired & Wireless Ruby Twist Ball Vape
Ah yes, another great product coming from the one and only Divine Tribe !!
This one is a green weed vaporizer.
That’s right, it vapes your favorite herbs efficiently and, may I say, gloriously !!
It’s a complete kit. Comes with a VERY thick glass water-pipe (coming soon !), an e-nail controller, a wired heating tool, and a wireless heating tool.
If you are not familiar with e-nail controllers, let me briefly explain.
They are heating units, they heat rings of metal to the temperature you select.
This one here is a dual controller, so you can power your wireless and wired heaters simultaneously.
They plug in easy enough… and, you can set the temperature with up and down arrows on the front.
So, onto the heaters ! What makes them great ? Well, they are perfectly fitted for the job at hand, that’s to evenly and properly vaporize your herbs !
The wired heater is tied into the e-nail heater, with a heat guard around the sides to assist in the prevention of unwanted burns from accidentally touching the heater.
The kit comes with a perfect holder for the wired heater, made from sturdy metal.
Once you get the temperature where you want it, simply connect the heater tool onto your choice of bowls. It will fit perfectly to the custom-made glass bowl….and…. inhale ! I’ll talk a bit more about the result farther down.
Onto the wireless heater !
This one also works amazingly well. It’s got a nicely finished wooden handle, and is filled with ruby gemstones. These cut rubies hold the heat into the tool, and provide perfect and even heat release to your bowl.
The air passes over the gemstones, thru the herbs, and into YOU !
Now, the wireless, being without wires, will cool fairly quickly after 1 session. Place it back into the goose-neck e-nail holder and let it heat up again.
For those that are sharing, or, don’t want to wait a few moments, then the wired tool is what to use.
Perform a burn-off cycle on the housing before use and allow 5 minutes of heating at 390°C (734°F) before first use.
Note also, the first pull you take won’t be the cloudiest. It’s the 2nd and 3rd pull where this vape truly shines.
Producing a great, tasty, perfectly vaped cloud is what we get with the wired and wireless ruby twist ball vape !
The herbs after vaping are a light golden brownish color. Another sign of an exactly VAPED bowl.
To start out with, try 480-530 F on the controller setting. That’s where I find it shines. Experiment. Find your perfect temp. I have the temp set higher for the wireless tool.
Also, you must grind your herbs. Use a grinder for best results.
There is a micro-dose bowl, a large dose bowl, and others are available, with carbs and without carbs. I got the large bowl with carburetor, and a micro bowl.
I find both to work amazingly well. The micro-dose bowl pulls out to clear the water pipe, the larger one can be cleared by pulling out the carburetor.
This kit provides an EXCELLENT way to vaporize your herbs, with the CLEANEST vapor path. There is the the small amount of metal around the heater tool, and your glass water pipe. That’s IT, aside from the gemstone cut rubies in the wireless heater.
The kit also comes with a nice metal shovel and brush to assist you in emptying your bowls !
I recommend this vape system to all herb smokers, vaping pros, and novices/beginners. They will all find a pleasurable experience with this device !
VAPE ON ! Here are some photos: