Facebook Is Trying To Censor Vaping Advocacy

A Billion Lives recently had their Facebook ads rejected due to violation of Facebook’s tobacco policy. If you aren’t aware of A Billion Lives, you should definitely check them out, as they are creating a film that revolves around “A True Story Of Government Failure, Big Business & The Vaping Revolution.” Here is an exert from their website:

“A Billion Lives is more than a film.
It is a movement.
It’s a collective of people who believe that we cannot condemn a billion people to die because of money and corruption. It’s an idea that people should have freedom to choose safer alternatives. It’s a challenge to the status quo.”

Trailer for their upcoming film:

[niceyoutubelite id=”O11IyOp7vQ0″]

The problem with Facebook rejecting their ads is the fact that they do not actually sell electronic cigarettes, if that was the case, Facebook would be correct in their rejection of the ads. A Billion Lives is solely a film dedicated to government corruption and vaping advocacy. Taking a look at the screenshot below, you can see that Facebook clearly allows ads that “promote advocacy or interest groups that help connect people who have interest related to these products, as long as it doesn’t lead to the sale of any tobacco or tobacco-related products.” Clearly A Billion Lives is within their guidelines, so why are they attempting to censor their ads?


How Can You Help?

Aaron Biebert and the production team wrote this letter to Mark Zuckerberg and the Facebook Team. Head over to their letter and show your support for this upcoming film. Every post and share definitely counts and if you haven’t already, you can check out A Billion Lives here:






This article first appeared here. Republished in the interest of helping out. You can sign the petition to Facebook here.

EDIT: Facebook has reversed their decision and will now allow ads for this film to be displayed on Facebook, thanks to the 1000s of people who wrote in and got their attention. Right on ! Read about it here.




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