Support HR 2058 before it’s TOO LATE.


Dear Readers,

As of this post, vaping as you know it in the United States will have up to %99 of all vaping products and gear made unavailable should new FDA resolutions take place.

We support HR 2058, which grandfathers in existing businesses who already sell vaping equipment.

This is YOUR chance to save vaping in the United States.

Contact your representatives to support HR 2058.

Update – 10.29.15

Yesterday (10/28/15), tens of thousands of harm reduction advocates took to the phone lines urging President Obama to demand that the FDA reconsider the damage that will be caused by implementing the current draft of their tobacco deeming regulations. There were so many people calling in that many of you were unable to get through.

Well, it’s perfectly reasonable for you to try again today.

White House: (202) 456-1111

Alternate Number: (202) 456-1414

If you call and the line is busy, please take a moment to call your US Representative and urge them to support HR 2058. The talking points are relatively the same, just be sure to mention the bill.

You can find your Representative’s contact information here.

Also, be sure to share the following links on social media so we can keep the momentum going:


If you have not already done so, it is critical that you send an email to your Congressional Representative and Senators asking them to support and co-sponsor HR 2058, a bill that would stop the FDA from banning 99%-plus of vapor products.

Talking points (White House):

  • I am calling to urge President Obama to protect consumer choice and demand that the FDA re-work its Tobacco Deeming Regulations so that the existing wide variety of e-cigarette and vapor products can remain on the market.
  • As written, the FDA’s proposed e-cigarette regulations will remove 99.9% of vapor products from the market.

  • Please briefly share your personal story about switching to vapor products. Make sure to include any improvements in health you have experienced or, perhaps, that your doctor has observed. If the variety of flavors are important to you, be sure to mention that too.

  • Thank you. I hope we can count on the President to protect adult access to these life-saving products.

Talking points (Representative):

  • I am calling to urge Representative ________  to protect consumer choice by co-sponsoring HR 2058 so that the existing wide variety of e-cigarette and vapor products can remain on the market.

  • As written, the FDA’s proposed e-cigarette regulations will remove 99.9% of vapor products from the market.

  • Please briefly share your personal story about switching to vapor products. Make sure to include any improvements in health you have experienced or, perhaps, that your doctor has observed. If the variety of flavors are important to you, be sure to mention that too.

  • Thank you. I hope we can count on Representative _______ to protect adult access to these life-saving products.

(Writing Tip #1) If you have a lot to say, please craft your email in a separate word doc and then copy/paste it into the field provided.  If you take too long, they system will time out and you will lose your work.

(Writing Tip #2) Although we’ve provided a prewritten email with compelling talking points, we would strongly encourage you to edit the email because personalized communications to legislators are far more persuasive than form letters.  At a minimum, PLEASE INSERT YOUR PERSONAL STORY (just a few sentences) in the text of your email.

Original Post – 10.27.15

(Please note: At the time of this writing, changes to the FDA deeming regulations have not been published. CASAA’s assessment of the FDA’s proposed regulations is based on the version that was published in 2014. That having been said, it will take nothing short of a complete overhaul of the proposed deeming rule in order to allow nearly even 10% of vapor products currently on the market to remain on the market.)

Today, Tuesday, October 27th, longtime vaping opponent the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (CTFK) has organized a call-in action to urge President Obama to put pressure on the FDA to finalize their Tobacco Deeming Regulations. What CTFK and others are failing to mention is that if the deeming regulations are enacted as written, 99.9% of the vapor products currently on the market will be gone within two to four years. Make no mistake, the current proposed regulations will have a devastating impact on consumers and businesses alike; not to mention the obvious damage to public health.

  • First, if you have not already done so, it is critical that you send an email to your Congressional representative and Senators asking them to support and co-sponsor HR 2058, a bill that would stop the FDA from banning 99%-plus of vapor products.

  • Second, please take a moment to

Call the White House at 202-456-1111.

We have provided talking points below.

  • Third, please share this post with your friends.

Talking points:

  • I am calling to urge President Obama to protect consumer choice and demand that the FDA re-work its Tobacco Deeming Regulations so that the existing wide variety of e-cigarette and vapor products can remain on the market.

  • As written, the FDA’s proposed e-cigarette regulations will remove 99.9% of vapor products from the market.

  • Please briefly share your personal story about switching to vapor products. Make sure to include any improvements in health you have experienced or, perhaps, that your doctor has observed. If the variety of flavors are important to you, be sure to mention that too.


  • Thank you. I hope we can count on the President to protect adult access to these life-saving products.

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