How To Fix The COV Mini Volt Mod

by Blake Brown , @guidetovaping


There were many of you that shared to us that your Mini Volt suddenly stopped working.  No worries though, today I’m going to share how to fix the COV Mini Volt Mod!

Being that I recommended this product to our viewers during the COV Mini Volt Review, I would like to apologize if you by chance purchased it and began having issues. No doubt, this device won me over easily, and sometimes later down the road these devices aren’t all they were cracked up to be.  For example, I used the Mini Volt for about a month or two everyday before even reviewing it, then just another month or so after sharing the review, my mod suddenly stops working also (after publishing the review, some viewers shared theirs stopped working after some time).

cov mini volt whiteMany of you thought your mod was dead for good, but there is a possibility that you can bring it back to life.  I contacted Council of Vapor and asked how to fix this issue, and here are the steps they gave me.

  1. Charge the Mini Volt for 15 minutes (don’t try to turn it on after).
  2. Let the Mini Volt sit for 15 minutes.
  3. Click the fire button 5 times to turn the Mini Volt on.
  4. If those steps do not work, fill out this form and send the mod in for repair.

It’s as simple as that.  I followed those instructions and magically my Mini Volt turned back on as if nothing ever happened.  I don’t know what may have caused the Mini Volt to stop working, but I’m going to speak with COV and see if they can give us tips on how to avoid this issue in the future.

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Comments ( 4 )

  • Hi. I am having issue with my mini volt. For some reason, my mod over heat more frequently that it use to be, and whenever I am charging it, after a couple of hours, it will be discharging even if it is plugged in.

    How can I possibly fix that issue.

    Thank you


  • John,

    Do you have this original COV mod ? Not v2 or v3 ?
    This mod is very old.
    I’m thinking the internal battery on your mod has expired, run its complete lifetime.
    A new COV mod (v3 i believe) is quite inexpensive and easy to get.
    I’d probaby recommend you get the newest version of the COV Mini Volt.
    All the best ! Thank you for your comment !

  • Hi, I recently bought the Minivolt v2 and after taking it off the charger the other day, it shut off automatically after a few moments like normal, and has since not powered back up no matter what I try.

    I’m not sure what options I have here. Any help is welcome.

    • Hi Tyler.
      First, try charging it with a different charging cord, it’s possible that one has broken internally and did not charge your mod.
      Does it light up and charge when plugged in ? Check the usb adapter as well, if using a wall adapter.
      Otherwise, if you recently bought the mod, see if they’ll exchange it for a proper one.
      If this doesn’t help, and the article doesn’t help, I’m not sure what else you can do.
      Usually, vape mods are sold on a no-return basis, however, many “brick and mortar” (physical stores) will replace defective equipment.
      It’s another reason why those shops are so important. Not only do you get help with your device, you may also get to return your problem devices.
      Let us know if you get it working !

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