The IPV 4S Review

Welcome back vapers to another review.

This is of the IPV 4S, which is an updated IPV 4.

SO, on with the review.

First, a pic.


There she is. Fits nicely in the hand, holds two 18650 batteries (in series). Easily removed/replaced battery door. Spring loaded 510 pin.

The resistance range on the IPV 4S is reported at 0.05 ohm-0.30 ohm in temperature control/joules setting, however I’ve used it at 0.795 on temperature control mode successfully (on the Divine Tribe Donut (see article -ed.))

Normal resistance range is 0.1 ohm-3.0ohm for coils such as kanthal, stainless, nichrome, etc.

Goes to 50 joules on ni200 (nickel) mode, up to 100 joules in titanium mode. Up to 120 watts on normal mode.

Output power on normal mode is 10-120 watts. Output voltage is 1.0V-7.0V, with and input current of 1.3A-40.0A. Input voltage rated at 6.2V-8.5V. Which means you want to use ONLY high powered high drain batteries in this mod (30A continuous minimum) !

The temperature limitis 100C-300C , or, 212 F-572 F. The chip is a YIKI sx350-j .

Here’s a pic of it with the battery case opened.


So how does it perform ?

Extremely well. This unit is very lightweight, being made of aluminum. It’s got very decent battery life even though the two 18650’s are in series.

This mod introduced me to temperature control and I love it. I love the no dry burn and the temperature of the vapor. I love the taste. I also love building with it, I’m using 28 gauge un-tempered ni200 wire and having a blast !

The screen is easy to see, its durable, and the finish is nice. I personally got a skin for mine, here it is with the skin on it :


That’s it with a black silicone skin, available online cheap.

So I highly recommend this mod for moderate-to-advanced vapor users. Knowledge about batteries, how they drain, how ‘in series’ works, which ones to get, etc, are all necessary when purchasing this mod. Be careful and safe, and vaping can be a wonderful thing !

What else can I say ? These are retailing for anywhere between 80-120 USD at the moment. I recommend getting one. I’ve heard no complaints, and the chip that is used is widely known as a safe and reliable chip. Seems to be a winner.



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