The Sunshine Store D020-D
Hello again vapers !
In the world of vaping there many modalities. Here at The Vapor Ninja we include all forms of vaping.
Therefore, we’re proud to share our recent acquirement of a D020-D bubbler.
Decided to include all the posts I’ve made about it here for you all, with a video from another user showing the action of the item (however the video shows combustion. We’ll be dabbing with it) .
A great piece ! We’re very happy with it. Excellent work on the diffuser, neat little in-line 18mm-14mm converter, the coolest one I’ve seen.
Great action. Great filtration. So here are some posts :
My new d020-d with inline 18mm-14mm adapter. Slick adapter. Great unit. From sunshine store on dhgate. DHgate has really come a long way !
— The Vapor Ninja (@TheVaporNinja) July 7, 2017
Click here to see my post on FC Forum ! <- My post. A great forum that I highly recommend.
… you can find this one by clicking here ! If that doesn’t work, try a different browser or user acct.
…you can find this beauty, unless they changed their URL, right here.