Titanium Cup For Divine Tribe V4

As an addition to our previous article about the Divine Tribe V4 Quartz Crucible,  we bring you the latest addition/accessory, the titanium cup for the v4 !

That’s right, the v4 now has the option of installing a titanium cup in place of its stock quartz cup !

Let’s see how it looks.



Aw yeah, that’s a purty, thick cup o’ titanium.

So, let’s talk about how to install your titanium cup, then I’ll give my thoughts about its performance.

Installing the titanium cup

Your Divine Tribe V4 Quartz Crucible came with its classic quartz cup installed, and a small screwdriver.

First, make sure your mod is OFF. You may think you won’t accidentally hit the fire button, but, things do happen.

You’re going to take that blue screwdriver and loosen, but not remove, the two shiny metal screws under the cup and heater.

Loosen ’em up a fair bit. Do this over a cardboard box, or, a plate, in case you loosen it too much and it drops out.
These are long screws, so this shouldn’t be a problem.

Now you’re going to gently pull the heater/cup assembly up and out of the base. Don’t worry about it coming apart, it won’t. If it doesn’t come out fairly easily, loosen the screws a bit more.

Take the coil/heater unit, over a plate or box, and, using the blue screwdriver tip, remove the cotter pin from below the heater, it’s what’s sticking thru the quartz peg, holding the cup to the heater. You’ll want to RE-USE this cotter pin, so don’t lose it !

At this point, you can separate the quartz cup from the heater and spacer. Hopefully you haven’t made a mess of things by over-loading the cup. Keep the heater and spacer together, for easier replacement.

Insert the peg of the titanium cup in thru the heater and spacer. Now this part’s important. The cup has TWO cotter pin holes, at least the prototype I have has two. You’ll want to use the hole closest to the heater, so that the cup fits flush tightly against it. Ignore the other hole.

Press the cotter pin thru the cup to the first bend in the pin, so it’s locked in place.

Now, align the two ‘legs’, the wires coming from the bottom, into the two receptacles the came out of. You may have to slightly bend the legs to make them straight again. Do this GENTLY. Move them as if they were extremely fragile. They aren’t, but, be careful anyway.

Once you’ve got them securely into the two posts, and the coil feels secure, tighten down the screws, until they stop. Do not over-tighten them.

Your titanium cup is ready for use !

Using the titanium cup

Since we’re using the same heater, the same temperature control mode is used, Nickel (ni-200), at 0.51 ohms resistance. A Temperature Control mod is HIGHLY recommended for this device, for coil longevity, and performance.

Settings range depending on the experience the user wants. For the most part, nickel mode setting (ni-200), and 460-500°F (232-260°C) is a good range to work with, and from 34-37 watts. You’ll see with less power/temp you will get more flavor, but ‘weaker’ hits, whereas with higher, you will get denser vapor but lose some of the flavor profile.

I personally like 37 watts, nickel (ni-200), 480°F .

Remember, the temperature you set on the mod does not equal the temperature of the cup. The cup gets much hotter, actually. Careful not to touch it while hot ! I Haven’t tested the titanium as of yet, but the quartz cup was reading around 650-700°F, perfect dab temp.


The titanium cup heats up a lot faster than the quartz. Preheating your concentrate only takes a few seconds, instead of about 10-15 on the quartz.

The cup wipes clean easily with a q-tip after a dab. Remember, the V4 is a  LAYGO (Load As You Go) device. The means you only load 1-2 dabs at a time into cup. Loading more will cause a strong ‘burnt oil’ taste as you would be vaping reclaim.

Another bonus of the titanium cup is that it’s far less fragile than the quartz cup. I know, because I’ve dropped both with the cap off. The titanium cup was the survivor.

Also, the titanium cup does not have that property of quartz which makes liquids run away from the heat source, up the walls of the cup. Easier cleanup.

I’m a big fan of all things quartz, I have loads of it, even the raw natural form, but this new titanium cup may be my new daily driver. It’s easier to clean, heats up much faster, and is less fragile.

As this is a prototype, I can just say they’re coming soon at Divine Tribe’s Site.

You can click here to get the V4, and here to get the hyrdtatube, which I highly recommend.


The titanium cup is an excellent addition to the v4. Divine Tribe does it right with this feature.

To get your own v4, click here or the image below !

To get the titanium cups mentioned in this article, click here !


Or, scan the QR code below, to shop for your v4 !




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