The Titan PWM VV Mod V1.5



The Titan PWM VV Mod V1.5 from Steamcrave.

This mod was primarily designed to match the aptly named Titan RDTA atomizer, also by Steamcrave.

The two are available as a set. For the purposes of this review, we’re just discussing the Titan PWM Mod itself.

PWM stands for Pulse Width Modulation, which this mod’s chip employs.

A proprietary Steamcrave chip, the V1.5 is an upgrade to the older Titan PWM mod. The chip has been updated with more protection features and better performance.

This mod uses voltage mode ONLY, and is recommended for professional vapers. In fact, the manual recommends you have 3 years or more experience with rebuildable setups before you attempt to use this mod with a rebuildable atomizer, such as the Titan or the Ragnar RDTA.

That said, the chip has most of the basic protections, such as amperage limit, reverse polarity, and short circuit.

The Titan PWM v1.5 mod goes from 0.1 volts to 8.4 volts.

The display shows voltage setting, coil resistance, and, when you’re firing, converted wattage equivalent.

There is no ‘menu’ per se, just one display. Clicking the fire button 3 times will engage or dis-engage the votlage adjustment lock.

The voltage is adjusted by spinning the fire button clockwise to increase, counter-clockwise to decrease. Once you engage the lock, spinning the button will not change any settings.

The mod operates on either two or four 18650 batteries. I highly advise you to use the highest amp capacity batteries in this mod.

The output current max on this mod is 50 amps.

It measures 41mm x 41mm x 108mm. That’s 1.6 in x 1.6 in x 4.25 in .

The battery door is also an upgrade, and it is a marvelous door that should last a very long time. It’s got vent holes, which are also lcoated on other spots along the mod.

This thing definitely has power. Also extremely long battery life. That’s due to its 2s-2p configuration, which not only doubles the voltage of the 18650 battery, as most mods do, it also doubles each pair of batteries’ miliamp hours. In a nutshell, that equates to plenty of power and long battery life. If you are using 2300 mAh batteries, you will have 4600 mAh of power with this mod, for example, and up to 8,4 volts.

I guess I can say the mod ‘does 300 watts’, if one needs that information, but that is an approximation because of the fact that this is a voltage mod, and the wattage will depend on the resistance of your coils, and the voltage setting.

Of course, this mod can be used for any 510 atomizer, even THC concentrate cartridges, if that’s what one desired (it’s kind of silly though, see image below).

A serious mod, this one. Solid, hefty, sizeable mod. Fits the Ragnar, which is 35mm, quite well as you will see. The 510 plate on it is exactly 35mm. However, the Titan RDTA measuring in at 41mm will have no overhang with this Titan PWM V1.5 .

Colors available are black, silver, and gun metal. Shown below.

To get this mod, CLICK HERE !




I highly recommend this mod for the serious vaper. So, here are some images:
















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