The Aromamizer Review
The Aromamizer Review…
Well folks, another review here on The Vapor Ninja.
This one is about the Aromamizer RDTA. I say RDTA because it’s a tank AND a dripper.
First thing to know is, you WILL get it right by the end of this article ! Don’t give up !
The aromamizer has a Velocity (see our review on the Velocity here) build deck, which makes it a real easy chore to rebuild on. However, you’re going to have to make sure the coils clear the chimeny so they don’t touch the edges. Most people use a vertical coil to ease with this situation, but me and my friends do fine installing a horizontal coil.
Here’s some pics.
As you see here, the Aromamzier comes in two sizes, one 3.5ml and one 6ml.
Here’s a look at what’s in it :
Now, many people are having problems with the line-up of the airholes to the coils.
The airholes should line up to hit the coil directly, on both sides. With a flashlight you can see if it’s lined up.
However, there’s an easy way to avoid having to unscrew it 1/4 turn or any of the other wild ideas going around on how to solve this.
Here’s a series of images and instructions on how to line up the airflow and coils on the Aromamizer:
So, with that, you should have your Aromamizer functioning perfectly !
How does it rate ?
Well this tank is really ingenious in the way it works. You’ve got airflow going RIGHT to the coils, so, this means you can’t lay the Aromamizer on it’s side for very long, or you will get leakage.
For us it performs rather well, haven’t gotten 1 dry hit off it yet. Not bad for clouds, but not an extreme cloud chasing unit.
Hope you enjoyed our review of the Aromamizer by Steam Crave.