by ALI ANDERSON / SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 / NEWS & MEDIA, SCIENCE & POLICY, DATA 1st appeared here. THE US government is considering banning the online sales of e-cigarettes, it has been revealed. Head of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Scott Gottlieb has admitted the shock move …..
by CARL V. PHILLIPS September 30 is the deadline for U.S. “manufacturers” of vape products to register their business and their products with the Food and Drug Administration. According the the FDA, “manufacturers” include mom-and-pop vape shops, since many such small …..
(The City of Oakland is considering a flavor ban on all ‘tobacco’ products) What are they thinking? The Oakland City Council needs to hear from YOU today! There are serious issues facing the City of Oakland and its residents like …..
Continuing our coverage of the San Francisco flavor ban, we’re presenting this video featuring Supervisor Malia Cohen. [embedyt][/embedyt] Share:
By Tyler McCanus Wednesday July 19, 2017 We have all seen e-liquids and e-liquid flavors designed to resemble iconic flavors. Be it cereal flavors, drink flavors and gum flavors. Well one of the iconic brands has decided to push …..
Study: Vaporization Offers “Attractive Alternative” To Smoked Cannabis from news Thursday, 29 June 2017 Baltimore, MD: Vaporizing cannabis mitigates subjects’ exposure to carbon monoxide and allows them to self-regulate their dose – making it preferable over smoking or oral administration, …..
Analysts question whether planned San Francisco ban on menthol flavorings could have ripple effect By Richard Craver Winston-Salem Journal Jun 24, 2017 Menthol and other flavored tobacco products are being targeted for a sales ban in San Francisco, potentially setting …..
From : (Update – 05.20.17) San Francisco Supervisor, Malia Cohen is introducing an ordinance that would ban the sale of flavored tobacco and vapor products. CASAA has received word that the flavor ban ordinance will be on the calendar …..
NEIL MCLAREN FEBRUARY 17, 2017 COMMENTS A new bill has been introduced in Congress which, if passed, will prevent the FDA from banning 99.9% vapor products next year. The cross-party draft law – known as the FDA Deeming Authority Clarification …..
By Jérôme Harlay -November 15, 2016 As a consequence of recent changes in US FDA’s authority over tobacco products, including vaping products, MasterCard revised their policy for vaping businesses to include Business Risk Assessment and Mitigation (BRAM) compliance program on August 2016. …..
Autumn 2016 This instalment of CASAA’s newsletter was originally intended to come out in October. But, we were on an RV traversing the country lending the consumer voice to raising awareness about tobacco harm reduction and the legislative challenges we’ll …..
That’s right, the famous film “A Billion Lives’ will be shown in North America and Canada ! Los Angeles: Laemmle Music Hall (Beverly Hills) Opens October 28th (four shows per day) New York City: Cinepolis (Chelsea) Opens October 28th (four shows …..
The new film, “A Billion Lives”, all about the fight for vaping, has released their official trailer. Here it is : [niceyoutubelite id=”nCozEhqdKQw”] Published on Sep 13, 2016 A billion people projected to die…you’ll be surprised who’s keeping it that …..
Hi folks ! Well A Billion Lives, the movie we’ve reported on before, is about to play in the US on August 6th. Here’s a ‘media teaser’ , sample of the film: [niceyoutubelite id=”7MgSGtBHseA”] Also remember ‘National Tobacco …..
By Lydia Wheeler – 07/10/16 08:00 AM EDT Legal challenges are mounting against the Food and Drug Administration’s move to regulate cigars and e-cigarettes, which for the first time would be treated just like traditional tobacco products under new rules. …..
Thursday, 30 June 2016 – From Sacramento, CA: The inhalation of vaporized herbal cannabis reduces neuropathic pain in patients with spinal cord related injuries, according to placebo-controlled clinical trial data published online ahead of print in The Journal of …..
Posted by Matt Rowland on Jun 23, 2016 On June 20, 2016, eleven advocacy groups for users of electronic cigarettes and vaping devices united to file a single lawsuit over the recently announced FDA e-cig regulations. The case was filed …..
by REUTERS A White House office deleted language in a recently introduced tobacco regulation that would have removed flavored e-cigarettes from the market until they had been authorized by the Food and Drug Administration, an edited version of the document …..
5 Things You Can Do Right Now To Save Vaping! (1) Send a Message! Support HR 2058 which could save the vapor industry from total destruction. Send an Email (2) Tell your Attorney General that you stand with Iowa …..
written by JustSayNoToDiacetyl I am tired of seeing this error being made around here. Most people still seem to be living in the mech mod days, where in order to calculate the current (amps) being drawn from the battery, you …..
Posted by Paul Blair on Monday, January 25th, 2016, 12:40 PM PERMALINK One year ago this week, ATR’s Patrick Gleason and I outlined the threat electronic cigarettes and vapor products faced during the 2015 state legislative sessions over new and higher …..
By Bradley J. Fikes | 4:46 p.m. Jan. 3, 2016 Science journalism ended the year on a down note, with widespread misreporting of a study from San Diego researchers on the risk of electronic cigarettes. Numerous stories breathlessly claimed e-cigarettes may …..
Written by Sealion Sho2DaPan A Billion Lives – The e-cig dilemma? 16th December 2015 I recently watched an e-cig debate online where the debate posed the question why is there a public health war against e-cigs when they succeed in …..