Sneak Peek: Protoype for the Divine Tribe V5
Here’s a sneak peek at the upcoming V5 by Divine Tribe. This is only a prototype.
Divine Tribe, makers of the V4 Quartz Crucible with its various accessories, is about to release the new V5 Divine Crossing Rebuildable Concentrate Heater !
This is a device for heating concentrates, this is not for nicotine delivery.
The V4 Quartz Crucible featured the concentrate cup with a heater positioned below the cup, with the generated heat transferring to the cup, thus vaporizing your concentrates.
With the V5 Rebuildable Concentrate Heater, the cup itself is heated.
The bottom of the cup as well as the sides of the cup feature heating wires embedded inside the alumina ceramic, creating even heating.
The final release of the V5 is expected to have an updated spacer, and most likely a different heater as well. This is just a prototype review to roughly show you what’s coming.
The cap of the V5 has the familiar vortex air intake that we saw on the V4, which creates a whirlwind effect upon your concentrates, aiding in thorough vaping and assisting in spinning terp peals, should you feel the need to add those.
The heat-up time (time it takes to reach operating temperature) is much faster than the v4.
The cup is made from Al2O3 (Aluminum Oxide, Alumina) ceramic. The spacer is Zirconia. The embedded coil is tungsten, with high temp tungsten slurry solder on nickel leads.
The cup is sealed with a high temp 1300°c, glaze.
Here is a ROHS report on the glaze used. For those wondering, this particular glaze is lead free to start with.釉料ROHS报告.pdf . There is a picture on the 8th page with a large glob of glaze, when the glaze is that thick the color will appear grey. Divine Tribe only uses a thin layer,so the glaze on the V5 crucible looks lighter and more transparent. You can see a darker color on some spots on the outside of crucible where it was applied a little thicker. You can also see: .
For the information on the alumina ceramic, see: .
As far as USING it goes, for this prototype we have found the following settings:
-TCR 180; 38watt; 475°-500°f (Divine Tribe settings, and my personal favorite, also the only choice availble for DNA mods)
-TFR Ni 35w 210°f 0/500/70 (Audioviz’s settings)
-Ni 35-40w 210°-230°f 0/700/50 (pi-reg etc. settings on Arctic Fox firmware) (increase temp to 250°-300° when using a Sic insert). (Jakeismaximus’ settings)
-TC Ni 38w 242°f ( .46 ohm heater) (uitpersen’s settings)
-TC Ni 38w 310°f .46ohm heater. (Running a little hot and dialing it down) (basquofiasco’s settings)
(To learn how to set your DNA device to use the V5, see my note below the images.)
The flavor delivery and vapor production are both excellent. The clean-up is incredibly easy, via swiping the cup with a cotton swab after each session.
This looks to be one of the best concentrate vaporizers of 2021 !
The V5 is slated for release to the public near September 2021. Stay tuned to this site for a full review of the final iteration of the V5 !
-How to set the custom TCR for the V5 on your DNA mod: CLICK HERE !

Looks like a winner!
Good review-nice job
Matt’s da Best!!