Divine Tribe’s XL line


Greetings !

We’re talking about Divine Tribe’s XL line for the V5, Core, Cub, and Fogger !

They’ve taken their original cups and done a revolutionary adjustment.

Yes, they’ve made them LARGER. Aptly named the XL, these cups are a tremendous upgrade to the previous cups, which always worked amazingly well !

The first thing that sets these cups apart from DT’s other cup/bucket systems, is the fact that rather than the cup being heated from a coil or ceramic heater from underneath, the XL cups have the coil wires embedded into the cup material itself.

This provides the material with evenly distributed heating, including the sides of the cup. For vaping concentrates, this is a win-win.

So, I will straight up say off the bat that these XL cups are amazing. It really takes my concentrates to a new level. The heating is great, the taste of my concentrates with it is so vibrant and full.

The cup is made from Al2O3 (Aluminum Oxide, Alumina) ceramic. For the information on the alumina ceramic, see: https://digitalfire.com/oxide/al2o3 .The spacer is made from  Zirconia. The embedded coil is tungsten, with high temp tungsten slurry solder, on nickel leads.

The cup is sealed with a high temp 1300°c ceramic glaze. Here is some info about ceramic glazes: https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/what-goes-into-glazes-2746232 .  For those wondering, this particular glaze is lead free to start with. Here is a ROHS report on the glaze used: http://ineedhemp.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/釉料ROHS报告.pdf . There is a picture on the 8th page with a large glob of glaze, when the glaze is that thick the color will appear grey. Divine Tribe only uses a thin layer, so the glaze on the cups looks lighter and more transparent.

The XL cups fit into the devices you already have, if you have them. However, some adjustments must be made, to adjust for the fact that the XL cups are much taller.

So, for those that already have one of the fine Divine Tribe products that use the ceramic cups, you will have to get the following:

You will find the XL cup has less splash-back, and the familiar excellent performance of this Alumina styled cup.

For those of you that are new to all this, you can get the XL V5 kit, or the Fogger, or the Core, or the Cub kits that have the XL cup included !

Here are my reviews for the Core, the V5, the Fogger, and the Cub !

These cups are HIGHly recommended to you, trust me ! They won’t disappoint.

Here are a few photos:





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