We Get It, You Vape !
Just a little video to share with all of you ! Keep on vaping safely, and enjoy yourself ! Share:
News and Reviews since 2014
Just a little video to share with all of you ! Keep on vaping safely, and enjoy yourself ! Share:
Even if you haven’t been paying very close attention to California’s legislature this year, you are probably still aware of the relentless attacks on vaping and vapers at both the local and state levels. You may have also heard that …..
Virginia Commonwealth University Massey Cancer Center researchers at the VCU Center for the Study of Tobacco Products (CSTP) have developed the first ever, evidence-based model that can predict with up to 90 percent accuracy the amount of nicotine emitted by …..
Well, vapers ! As you know if you you’ve been following the site, I’ve been searching for a portable 510 device that can deliver good action on concentrates. Well I may have found what I’m looking for. Jury’s out because …..
Hey folks. Just a notice here, we’ve added some vape memes to the site… a slideshow of memes. Check it out by clicking on ‘vape memes‘ in the top menu bar ! As always, keep your wicks wet and your …..
Electronic cigarettes pump out vapour which has NO toxic effect on the cells found in human lungs, scientists have claimed. Fresh research funded by British American Tobacco has suggested inhaling nicotine vapour could be as safe as breathing air. To …..
Well vapers, there’s a new kid on the block. The uWell Crown. Heralding a new wave in atomizer technology, the uWell Crown uses stainless steel dual coils. Single coils are also available. It uses 317L, or, gplat, stainless wire. Here’s …..
Welcome back vapers ! So today we’re explaining the Sega Anyvape v2 coil for Atlantis-style atomizers. Although we haven’t reviewed the Atlanits v1 & v2 yet, they definitely perform better with these RBA coils in them ! Basically they put …..
Hello again, vapers ! We’re here today to review the S2000, an atomizer designed for concentrates. Here’s the thing out of the box, this is what you get : After disassembling the unit you’re gonna see this inside : Looking …..
Hey, Vapers. This was sent to me from one of our authors, Hashassin, and I just HAD to share it 🙂 So here it is, an 18650 charger turned into a semi-mech mod ! Pretty neat unit, we like …..
Dear Readers: This is copied from The Vape Church, originally published here. As previously discussed, I began to smoke many many years ago when I was still an “impressionable youth”. I say this as sarcastically as possible. Sure, I smoked …..
Hello and welcome to everyone who has been following VapeVista.Com ! We have a NEW URL, and it’s https://thevapor.ninja !! Yes we applied for this domain in January and just got it approved, so, here we are at our NEW …..
Alright. I’ve had three of my friends in the past WEEK tell me about their concern about ‘teens vaping’. This is another tactic by Big Tobacco and their friends to sway public opinion on vaping. I want you to read …..
Here’s a link to a really great article I think everyone should read: CLICK HERE to see the post. As always, Vape On ! Share:
Here’s a really well put together YouTube video about WHY vaping is being messed with so badly. It’s using Calfornia as an example, but the same rings true for most states, and, California seems to be the one leading the …..
Great piece…. alarming yet informative, brutal but true. More power to this guy. Hope he keeps it up. You can read the piece here. My re-blogging attempt has failed. Vape on ! Share:
Voltage Drop Explained Simply If you spend much time on vape forums you will see a lot of talk about, “voltage drop.” Many people are confused by this or don’t understand what it is and why it is …..
Hello everyone Freakvapes here! Today I decided to write about my newest addition to the vaping family! The Eleaf Istick 50 Watt by Ismoka! So let me first start out by saying I’m happy to be writing for Vapevista and I hope …..
Hello vapers, and welcome back to VapeVista.Com ! So, already the proud owner of the Original Subtank, I got the Subtank Plus among rumors it had a better airflow and some improved designs. Well, it certainly does ! So, let’s …..
Hi folks. I tried to re-blog a post about our home County here in Mendocino County, California. Didn’t work out, so click here to see the post. It’s not vaping related, but I thought since there are so many people …..
Hey ! We just added a WordPress.com URL for the site (vapevista.wordpress.com)…. to join in with the WordPress.com community! Welcome, WordPress.com enthusiasts !!!! We encourage you to click the WordPress.Com follow button located at the top of the right-hand side …..
Hey vapers. So, previous to getting the Kangertech Subtank I reviewed earlier on the site, I got an Aspire Atlantis. My first introduciton to sub-ohm vaping, it seemed enjoyable enough. Comes with replaceable ‘cotton’ coils at 0.5 ohms each. Upon …..
Hi vapers….. Looks like a good gig coming up, Vape Summit III, happening in Las Vegas ! You can click here for more info. Looks like a lot of fun. If you want to help us get to the Vape …..